Download VoiceLive Play GTX Full Edition

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Download VoiceLive Play GTX Full Edi Download VoiceLive Play GTX Full Edition HOT

VoiceLive Play GTX Editor

( Full Version )
(Windows Only)


You can purchase the FULL Product for

£15 per License.

This Purchase gives you all future updates of the VoiceLive Plsy GTX Editor. 
As new versions are produced, to cover FIRMWARE changes or bugfixes,
you just download the NEW version, and your VALID ACTIVATION code
will work with the NEW VoiceLive Play GTX EDITOR.....

You will be able to:-

Have access to the Studio Editor (with effects clipboard)

gtx studio

Backup/Restore Presets (Audition Presets from Backups)

10,000 Preset Library (Audition Presets from Library)

gtx library

Have All Editor Screens Open at the same time

gtx all windows

Live Screen
The live screen has access to all of the Library Presets.
It can hold up to 99 complete set lists each holding up to 200 presets.
Acoustics facility allow you to adjust the level of effects that work for the venue your in, the Live screen will then automatically adjust the levels of the presets to suit.
  Snap Shot , when you adjust the preset live and you stumble upon the 'Ideal' preset then you can take a snap hot of it, and recall it at any time.
gtx live

Import Presets, Export Presets

Print Presets, Print List of Presets

And more......

>>>>>  Install the Editor on a Windows PC  <<<<<

>>>>>  Connect the VoiceLive PLAY GTX That you intend to use it with.  <<<<<<


Run the program, you will be informed that it needs activating.

email the VLPX_SERIAL.DAT file.
On receiving Payment via Paypal, a Unique Activation Code be emailed to you.

Please note that these codes are generated by me, and are not automated.

Please allow for delays due to clock differences UK TIME ZONE GMT+0
Hours of Operation 9:00am to 5:00pm GMT

midi settings editor

Version 2.4.4e of the Editor,
Updated March 2023 is NOW
a 64Bit Application Only.

Please Download the FREE BASIC Edition Version,
to make sure it works on your PC.
Before Purchasing the Full Product.



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Created 2016-05-24
Changed 2023-08-23
Version 2.6.3g
Size 3.53 MB
Created by Ian Cowdery
Changed by Super User
Downloads 4,852
License VoiceLiveEditor LicenceTooltip
Price £15

All updates are FREE.

You just install the new version over your existing installation.

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