VL3 Inxs Presets

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Just Keep Wal Just Keep Walking HOT

Artist :  INXS Song :  Just Keep Walking
Just Keep Walking by INXS presets with steps.
Designed for Fender strat/tele sounding guitar
Made for a guitarist/backing singer.
Steps change at every guitar sound change (verse,chorus,etc.), except where HIT is available.
Hit maybe used in section, so always try the HIT to see if it is implemented in a step.
Koala Preset Created by : Boogsy
VoiceLive 3 ( Firmware 1.1.01 161 or Greater )
July 30th 2014
Created 2016-05-25
Changed 2024-07-06
Size 18.49 KB
Created by
Changed by Super User
Downloads 864
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